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Total Wellness!


As you already know, I am all about
Healthy Body, Mind & Soul!
Below are some amazing products for you.
Recommended by me - Peter Julius

Juice Plus+

The Easy Ways To Get Your 30 A Day!


Are you getting your 6 a day of fruits, vegetable and berries?

I know it is hard, right? And super expensive too!

Not anymore, after I have teamed up with Juice Plus+ and they even ship worldwide.

Now you can get your 30+ a day for under 3€ per day.

Fruit Blend:

Apple, Peach, Cranberry, Orange, Mango, Acerola Cherry, Pineapple, Prune, Date, Beet, & Lemon Peel.

Vegetable Blend: 

Broccoli, Parsley, Tomato, Carrot, Garlic, Acerola Cherry, Beet, Spinach, Cabbage, Kale, Rice Bran, & Lemon Peel.

Berry Blend: 

Concord Grape, Blueberry, Cranberry, Blackberry, Black Currant, Bilberry, Raspberry, Pomegranate, Elderberry, Acerola Cherry, Artichoke, & Cocoa.

Juice Plus+

Please contact me if you have any questions about the products.

You can change the country and languages on the small globus on their website.

If you click on the Juice Plus+ link and make a purchase, then I am going to receive a small commission.
And you will receive amazing benefits for your body, mind & soul - so win win! Contact me if you also want to promote Juice Plus+ products and make some extra cash.


Eucalyptus & Sage Scented Candle


A well loved luxury soy wax candle with up to 90 hours burning time. 

Benefits of Eucalyptus:

  • Promotes relaxation, relieves stress and clears the mind.

  • Increases brain wave activity, counters physical and mental fatigue.

  • Enhances mental clarity and focus with its invigorating scent.

Benefits of Sage:

  • Calming and grounding effect, promoting a sense of well-being and inner peace.

  • Releases negative ions to rebalance surrounding energy.

  • Helps reduce stress and anxiety with its calming scent.

Eucalyptus & Sage Scented Candle




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If you click on the Amazon links and make a purchase with in 24 hours, then I am going to receive a small commission.
And you will receive amazing benefits for your mind and surroundings - so win win! 

Natural Magic Salt Lamp


Salt lamps are like glowing mood magicians for your space! 

  • Air Allies: These lamps attract moisture and pesky airborne particles, making your air cleaner and fresher.

  • Breath Buddies: Some people swear by their salt lamps for easing allergies and sniffles, giving them superhero-level respiratory support.

  • Ion Avengers: Emitting negative ions, salt lamps battle the villainous positive ions from electronics, helping you feel relaxed and ready to conquer the day.

  • Mood Magicians: With their soft, warm glow, salt lamps create a cosy atmosphere that's perfect for chilling out and boosting your mood.

Natural Magic Salt Lamp




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If you click on the Amazon links and make a purchase with in 24 hours, then I am going to receive a small commission.
And you will receive amazing benefits for your mind and surroundings - so win win! 

Deep Purple Amethyst Crystal


Here are some of the amazing benefits of the beautiful amethyst crystal!

  • Calming & Stress-Relief: Amethyst is believed to possess soothing energies that can help calm the mind and alleviate stress. Placing an amethyst crystal in your environment or holding it during meditation may promote relaxation and a sense of peace.

  • Spiritual Growth: Many people use amethyst as a tool for spiritual growth and enlightenment. It is thought to stimulate the third eye and crown chakras, enhancing intuition and spiritual awareness. 

  • Protection: Amethyst is often associated with protection from negative energies. It is said to create a protective shield around the wearer or their space, warding off negative influences and promoting a sense of security.

  • Clarity of Mind: The purifying properties of amethyst are believed to help clear the mind of clutter and enhance mental clarity. 

  • Physical Healing: While not a substitute for medical treatment, some believe that amethyst may aid in physical healing by supporting the body's natural healing processes. It is often used in crystal healing practices to alleviate headaches, reduce inflammation, and promote overall wellness.

  • Emotional Support: Amethyst is associated with emotional balance and inner peace. It is said to help release negative emotions such as anger, fear, and anxiety, promoting emotional stability and a greater sense of well-being.

Deep Purple Amethyst Crystal




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If you click on the Amazon links and make a purchase with in 24 hours, then I am going to receive a small commission.
And you will receive amazing benefits for your mind and surroundings - so win win! 

The Ritual of Jing!


RITUALS Gift Set for you with foaming shower gel, moisturising body cream, scented reed diffuser and body scrub.

Jing, a Chinese term for "essence," represents the most refined form of Qi, the fundamental life force in Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Qi flows through the body's vital parts, embodying vital energy or simply energy.

Jing also conveys mental tranquillity, reflecting a calm and focused state of mind.

Inspired by the calm, quiet and tranquillity, this Rituals gift set invites you to find your path to inner peace as you prepare for the day or unwind before bed.

The Ritual of Jing!



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If you click on the Amazon links and make a purchase with in 24 hours, then I am going to receive a small commission.
And you will receive amazing benefits for your mind and surroundings - so win win! 

Eqology Pure Arctic Oil Omega-3


Omega-3 fatty acids are the superheroes of nutrition, with benefits that make them essential for overall health:

  • Heart Health: Omega-3s reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering triglyceride levels, fighting inflammation and preventing blood clots.

  • Brain Booster: These fatty acids improve cognitive function, memory and may reduce the risk of age-related cognitive decline.

  • Mood Management: Omega-3s can alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety, promoting emotional well-being.

  • Joint Support: They reduce inflammation and support cartilage health, easing joint pain and stiffness.

  • Eye Health: Omega-3s protect against age-related macular degeneration and preserving vision.


So, whether you're looking to support your heart, boost your brain, or simply feel your best, liquid omega 3 from Eqology are here to lend a helping hand – or should we say fin? LOL


Remember to use my Eqology ID: 4313911

Eqology Pure Fresh Arctic Oil – Omega-3






Eqology Pure Arctic Oil – Omega-3.jpg

If you click on the Eqology links and make a purchase, then I am going to receive a small commission.
And you will receive amazing benefits for your body - so win win! Contact me if you also want to promote Omega 3 from Eqology and make some extra cash.

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