Is Social Media good for us or can it ruin a relationship?
Social Media is a great tool for us to stay in contact with our friends around the world, meeting new people, but can it also be damaging to our mental health?
True story:
Mr Cool, but not so cool when he doesn't post a photo of the two of you on his closed social media account. Or you tag him in a photo and you get into trouble for it or even get cut out of the photo.
Then later you see that the tag got removed, but he LOVES when you post a photo of the two of you on your profile.
Does he has something to hide?
Is he still in the closet?
Why doesn't he want other men to know that he is in a relationship?
Could he be looking for something on the side?
So many questions and no answers..
The next guy I am going to date has to be willing and automatically post a photo of just us on this social media. I know it might sounds silly, but it would mean a lot to me - like he cares about me and he wants the online world to know that we are together.
When I see a cute guy on Facebook or Instagram and there are photos of him and another man I think they could be boyfriends. So I either move on to the next profile or think they could be my future friends. But if there is no evidence of someone else in his life I might give it a sexy go.
I recently paused my Facebook..
I did it because, I had enough of spending time scrolling up and down on various timelines, giving a "Like" here and there.
Going back to the post I did about Alone In The City! What is 50 "like's" worth when you feel alone?
What do you think of social media?
Besos ♥ Peter Julius xx