Don't know what to do at home doing the lockdown caused by Coronavirus?
I have a few good ideas what you can do:
* Study online - Udemy has courses from 10€ -
* Start a blog - Wix is easy to use and they have a free version -
* Graphic design - Canva is also free to use -
* Read that old book you had on the shelve for the past 5 years.
* Clean up your wardrobe and do a fashion show for whoever you are with or over Skype.
* Home gym with Vodka bottles.
* Focus on personal growth, write a letter to your future self.
(Please contact me if you need help or a different point of view)
* Personal grooming, use lemon juice with water as toner and olive oil + suger as scrub.
* Smile & Stay Positive ♥♥
I believe in you 💯%
Have a great afternoon!
Peter Julius